What Is A Tennis Elbow?
Anatomy Our elbow joint holds the upper arm bone (humerus) and the two forearm bones (radius & ulna) together with several bands of muscles and tendons. Many of these muscle bands start from the bony bumps at the end of the humerus, known as epicondyles, and extend further towards the wrist and fingers. Now, the tendons that connect the muscle bands from the bony bump on the lateral side (outside edge) experience pressure when we use our wrists and fingers to grip or grab something with force. The tennis elbow or Lateral Epicondylitis is a condition that indicates inflammation or tears of these tendons and muscles. Note that its incidences are not limited to tennis players, and it can occur in anyone who uses their grip persistently. However, the name remains accurate as tennis players mostly seek tennis elbow treatment in Mumbai. S ymptoms Of Tennis Elbow ● Sharp pain in the outer edge of the elbow that worsens with...