
Showing posts from September, 2018

4 Things You Can Do If Thyroid Hormone Medication is Not Effective

It is true that the traditional or the conventional treatment that makes use of a synthetic thyroid hormone levothyroxine is not sufficient. It is essential to understand that if you are tired, depressed, or sick and also experience symptoms such as stubborn weight gain, it is time to have a word with your doctor to understand how hypothyroidism can be treated in the most effective way. However, before your Thyroid treatment starts, it is important to gain insights regarding some of the things you could do to get the most of the levothyroxine. 1. Time levothyroxine for optimal absorption It is essential to keep in mind that for the best or optimum absorption, levothyroxine should be taken when your stomach is empty i.e. 30-60 mins before the breakfast or 2-3 hours after your dinner. By making changes in the timings, one can easily bring the thyroid levels in the required range. 2. Be patient Some patients feel energetic immediately after the treatment and s...

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